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Venture Pool

With our Gateway Venture Pool we share the exit proceeds of our startups with our most active investors. Become a primeFRIEND and benefit not only from the success of your investments but also from the success of our portfolio. In the example calculation, an investor has already invested so much that he holds a 4% share in the venture pool.
Beispielberechnung bei 3 Exits und 4% Venture-Pool-Anteil
Beispielberechnung bei 3 Exits und 4% Venture-Pool-Anteil

How do I become a primeFRIEND?

For a cumulative investment of more than EUR 50.000 via Gateway Ventures, you will be designated as primeFRIEND and become a part of the Venture Pool.

Allocation of the Pool

The primeFRIEND Venture Pool consists of the sum of all investments of primeFRIENDs. primeFRIENDs receive their proportional share in the primeFRIEND Venture Pool. Therefore, the higher your investment, the higher your share in the potential profit of our portfolio companies! 

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