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Hamburg, GER


Personal Comment from our CEO


Our food security is at risk. Monoculture, depleted soils, long supply chains, and the dependence of farmers on large retailers and the retail industry result in expensive and nutrient-poor food. At the end of the food chain, only a small profit margin remains for farmers, leading to a growing number of farm closures.


With the first Green Franchise for farmers, greenspot systematizes the Farm-to-Fork strategy, facilitating entry into regenerative, regional profitable agriculture, covering all stages of the value chain – from the field to the plate.

greenspot has developed a scalable, self-sustaining field layout that, within a closed ecosystem, produces climate-positive fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and solar energy to a new standard. Our products find direct sales through the greenspot app. Through our transparent and short supply chain within a maximum 100 km radius, we enable consumers to enjoy regional, seasonal, and healthy food.

Business Model

greenspot offers profitable regenerative agriculture as a franchise system.

Farmers integrate the greenspot franchise into their existing operations, paying an establishment fee for the restructuring of their land. greenspot receives a revenue share from the future direct sales made by farmers to end consumers.

In the free version of the greenspot app, end consumers can unlock exclusive content (subscriptions) to experience a comprehensive nutritional program while simultaneously supporting local farmers.


  • Certificate of Research allowance for feasibility study from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Eligibility for INVEST Grant – venture capital subsidy from the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (PwC verified)
  • Securing an ideal agricultural site for the pilot plant in the east of Hamburg
  • Involvement of an agricultural partner with considerable external impact
  • Established B2B partnerships with IT and logistics companies

Exit Potential

The scalability of our decentralized model, coupled with the future establishment of a Love Brand, positions us as an appealing acquisition target, offering financial returns and a positive impact on the future of the food industry.

The Team

Martin Ruesch


Julia Hölzer


This document is non-binding preliminary information that provides an initial impression of the financing options offered. Neither this document nor the statements made by us in this context can be a sufficient basis for a financing decision. Investors should examine the possible investments themselves. Responsibility based on own analysis. This document does not constitute a sales prospectus, a public offer of an investment, an invitation to submit an offer, investment advice or investment brokerage. In providing this information, we make no representations, warranties or other contractual or quasi-contractual obligations, including with respect to the completeness, content or accuracy of the information reproduced in this document. This document is to be treated confidentially and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, passed on to third parties or published.

Your Dealcaptain

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Adrian Rhomberg

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The scenarios determined by the investment calculator are based on empirical values and assumptions. They are intended solely to illustrate possible developments and are no guarantee of future results. The actual performance of an investment may deviate significantly from the results forecast in the scenarios presented due to a wide range of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors. Start-up investments involve a high level of risk, which can extend to the total loss of the investment. It is expressly pointed out that neither Gateway Ventures nor its partners or representatives can be held liable for decisions made on the basis of the results of this calculator. Use of the calculator is at your own risk. You should seek independent financial advice and conduct your own research before making any investment decision.

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