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Pre Series-B
Co-Investors: 5
Munich, GER
Closing: January 2025


  • Innovative solution: e-mobilio offers a unique 360° SaaS platform that automates the configuration of customised e-mobility packages (car, charging station, installation, subsidies) for end customers and employees and makes them directly orderable.
  • Scalable model: With monthly SaaS licence fees and commissions from additional products (e.g. wallboxes), e-mobilio enables car dealers and OEMs to generate new revenue streams. Revenue growth: 8x from 2021 to 2024.
  • Growing markets: Market leader in Germany with 400+ B2B customers such as Toyota, Kia and ADAC. Expansion in Europe and scaling through strong partners such as SET Ventures planned.


Electromobility is an important pillar for reducing CO2 and thus for climate protection. Electric cars are one of the strong growth markets of the coming years.

However, the purchase decision for electric cars is much more complex, as more decision criteria play a role. This often leads to consumers being overwhelmed.

This is because every potential buyer has different requirements for electric mobility and therefore needs an e-mobility package tailored to them. This increases the need for advice enormously.


e-mobilio has developed a digital 360-degree consulting solution as a SaaS white label solution that allows prospective e-car buyers to configure and directly order their personalised e-mobility package – consisting of e-car, charging solution, installation, subsidy, electricity switch, etc. – very easily, quickly and securely.

The end customer thus receives an electric mobility solution that is optimally tailored to their needs and from which they can also purchase all components directly. B2B customers (car dealer groups, OEMs and insurance companies) who licence the SaaS solution benefit from additional revenue opportunities. Company fleets also benefit from efficient processes when electrifying their vehicle fleets.

  • Unique digital e-mobility purchasing advice as a one-stop shop for end customers, car dealers and company fleets.
  • The technological centrepiece of the solution is the digital assistant, the matching algorithm and e-commerce tools.


USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

e-mobilio is the first European company to provide a comprehensive 360° ecosystem for e-mobility: unlike many competitors who focus on individual aspects of e-mobility, e-mobilio offers a holistic ecosystem that includes vehicle selection, charging solutions, installation services, subsidies, GHG quotas and the integration of solar systems.

Business model

Companies such as car dealer groups and vehicle manufacturers integrate e-mobilio’s SaaS solution, the digital e-purchasing advice, into their website and pay a monthly licence fee.

Furthermore, e-mobilio supplies additional products such as wallboxes or installation services, which the dealers can also offer. The dealers receive a share of the sales through commission. This results in a win-win-win situation for customers, car dealers and e-mobilio.

The e-mobilio employee portal, the SaaS solution for company fleets, provides fleet managers and employees with AI-supported e-mobility advice and access to the entire e-mobilio ecosystem.


  • Automotive OEMs need to sell more electric vehicles across Europe to meet EU CO2 targets.
  • The German car market is currently under extreme pressure. This means that a boom in electromobility will also be essential in the long term.


  • Already around 25% market share in the German car trade in the first two years
  • 400+ B2B customers with 400+ websites and more than 1500 locations are already licence holders
  • Major car brands under contract such as Toyota, Kia and ADAC and many more


Exit Potential

Sale to

  • a strategic investor in the e-mobility sector or an ordinary automotive group wishing to acquire sustainable expertise
  • Large automotive companies

The Team

This document is non-binding preliminary information that provides an initial impression of the financing options offered. Neither this document nor the statements made by us in this context can be a sufficient basis for a financing decision. Investors should examine the possible investments themselves. Responsibility based on own analysis. This document does not constitute a sales prospectus, a public offer of an investment, an invitation to submit an offer, investment advice or investment brokerage. In providing this information, we make no representations, warranties or other contractual or quasi-contractual obligations, including with respect to the completeness, content or accuracy of the information reproduced in this document. This document is to be treated confidentially and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, passed on to third parties or published.

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The scenarios determined by the investment calculator are based on empirical values and assumptions. They are intended solely to illustrate possible developments and are no guarantee of future results. The actual performance of an investment may deviate significantly from the results forecast in the scenarios presented due to a wide range of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors. Start-up investments involve a high level of risk, which can extend to the total loss of the investment. It is expressly pointed out that neither Gateway Ventures nor its partners or representatives can be held liable for decisions made on the basis of the results of this calculator. Use of the calculator is at your own risk. You should seek independent financial advice and conduct your own research before making any investment decision.

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